Feb 26, 2023
Two timely topics today. First we talk about fire season and how to safely burn brush piles. Then, we move on to propagating plants using cuttings. We focus on elderberries, but the method applies to most woody species.
Feb 19, 2023
After any emergency it's important to look back and ask, "what could I have done better?" But, even more important, you should make plans on what to do if an emergency occurs. Today we discuss some tips for emergency planning and what you should and shouldn't be worried about post derailment.
Feb 19, 2023
After any emergency it's important to look back and ask, "what could I have done better?" But, even more important, you should make plans on what to do if an emergency occurs. Today we discuss some tips for emergency planning and what you should and shouldn't be worried about post derailment.
Feb 12, 2023
We all react to significant changes in our lives, trees are no different. Whether building on a wooded lot, repairing a driveway, or planting a new family treasure, the first step to a healthy tree is making sure the roots have sufficient oxygen.
Feb 5, 2023
If you got a forage test, way to go! You've taken an important step to taking good care of your livestock. If you have a big sheet of numbers you don't understand, you aren't alone. Dan and Karen break down the basics and help you understand what to feed to which cattle.
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