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Extension Calling: advice for the farm, garden, and home

Jul 28, 2024

Food waste and Yard waste make a nearly 10 million ton per year problem. But there is one simple thing we can do to make a big impact, compost. You can compost nearly anywhere and on any scale as long as you follow a few simple rules. Give it a try and make a difference in your landfill (and get free fertilizer while...

Jul 14, 2024

The lack of rain and heat has impacted our cool season grasses. If you're looking at a lost second cut of hay or stalled growth in the pasture, it's time to look at how the rest of the year is going to play out. Avoid overgrazing pastures to eek out the summer. Feeding hay is a better way to put weight on right now....

Jul 7, 2024

Improving the quality of the beef on the consumers plate is more than just making sure you have the correct amount of marbling, and the right species mix of cattle. It's making sure you are doing all you can to care for the animal as it's being raised and brought to market. Caring for the animal includes handling,...