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My Wakeup Call with Dr. Mark Goulston

May 26, 2019

Join me as I speak with Esther Wojcicki - mother of Susan (CEO of Youtube), Anne (co-founder of 23andMe), and Janet (Fulbright winning anthropologist and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics), whose wakeup call was about how helicopter parents can hurt their children’s future, and how she did the opposite. 

May 19, 2019

Join me and and a remarkable mother/daughter duo, Jann and Shari Simmons, as we hear about a lifetime of wakeup calls that inspired the daughter to become a therapist to help free her mom of haunting abuse, which she then chronicled in her book, "Which Way? One Woman’s Traumatic Journey and Her Daughter’s...

May 12, 2019

Join me as I interview former British pop star, Will Henshall, about a TRUE wakeup call that happened when he came back to life after flatlining and being dead for twenty minutes.

May 6, 2019

Listen to my conversation with Kristin Sunanta Walker, CEO of Mental Health News Radio Network, as she talks about her lifelong journey to recover from childhood sexual abuse, and the wakeup calls along the way that have helped her to cope and heal.