Mar 29, 2020
In this episode I speak with Meredith Bell, author of , Strong for Performance: Create a Coaching Culture with Learning & Development Programs That Stick, about her wakeup call about how love and valuing others can transform them and you.
Mar 25, 2020
In this episode I speak with Pat McCabe, former corporate sports guy, turned educator/social working helping homeless and foster youth for the past couple decades. The best thing about Pat is his humility, generosity and being a real life, modern day "Mother Theresa" and he doesn't know it.
Mar 22, 2020
In this episode I speak with Alain Hunkins,author of Cracking the Leadership Code, about his wakeup call regarding how essential love and kindness is to leadership in a company or even with just yourself
Mar 18, 2020
In this episode I speak with "Force of Nature," "Force of Nurture" and author of "Maybe It's You," Lauren Zander, about how she stopped lying to herself and transforms people and companies by teaching them to do the same.
Mar 15, 2020
In this episode I speak with best-selling "EQ Applied" author, EQ expert and Inc columnist, Justin Bariso, on how his faith has informed how he emotionally connects with people and helps them connect to each other.