Nov 30, 2021
In this episode I speak with Will Polston, host of the "Make It Happen," podcast whose wakeup call was seeing the stress his dad was under at not being able to succeed and the effect it had on his family.
Nov 28, 2021
In this episode I speak with return guest, healthcare leader, multi-best selling author and author of "The Calling: Why Healthcare Is So Special," Quint Studer, whose wakeup call was improving the health and well being of healthcare workers so they can have the energy to take care of us especially after a dedicated team...
Nov 25, 2021
In this episode I speak with Jay Steinfeld, author of: "Lead from the Core" and founder and CEO of Global Custom Commerce the #1 online window coverings retailer which was bought by Home Depot whose wakeup call was the untimely deaths of his mother and wife when three of his children were young and his journey...
Nov 23, 2021
In this episode I speak with Peter Bregman and Howie Jacobson, executive coaches and authors of, "You Can Change Other People," whose wakeup calls were wanting to help people change and being frustrated when their prior efforts didn't result in that.
Nov 21, 2021
In this episode I speak with Addison Brasil, co-founder, COO of Tethr, a peer driven community for men to deal with their mental health challenges, whose wakeup calls included getting through the PTSD and suicidal depression following the suicide of his father, death from cancer of his brother, death of best friend in...