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Real Estate Mega Moms Podcast is here to empower moms for success in real estate through support, training and superior marketing! 

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Aug 30, 2021

 Every mama has a special relationship with each of her kids, and there are many differences in raising girls and boys. Today we want to dive into the mother son relationship. There is just something special about boys and their mamas!

Aug 27, 2021

Balancing motherhood and business is already a feat, but try doing it while homeschooling or these days, virtual schooling kids! Today we are talking to mega agent mama and homeschooling rockstar Knely Dettinger to talk all the things back to school prep, and balancing home and business.

Aug 26, 2021

We've all heard "No" at some point or another, and sometimes it takes several "no's" before we get that yes. So, how do we handle the rejections in real estate...even when it comes from some of our closest friends and family.

Aug 23, 2021

There are books, experts, blogs and online trolls who all believe their way of motherhood and parenting is the only way. Many moms fall victim to these mom-shamers, but what does it look like to raise your kids on your own terms, your own way?

Aug 20, 2021

Part of being a life long learner is constantly reading! Some books have a profound impact on who we are and how we think or act. What are some of the books you've read that have had the biggest impact on you?