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Dead Rabbit Radio The Daily Paranormal Podcast

Dec 27, 2018

Today we look at killer sandwiches, hallucinations of tiny people, and then we take a look at the conspiracy theory of why we really switched over to digital television.
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Dual Flyer
"As Above" Flyer
“Alien Flyer” By TVP VT U
“QR Code Flyer” by Finn
A man recently took a close look at his sandwich and noticed an unknown powder. Little did he know he had possibly just caught a serial killer.
Then we take a look at Visual Release Hallucinations, a bizarre condition that causes nearly blind people to see tiny people and even cartoon characters interacting with the world around them.
And finally, we look at a conspiracy that I came up with: What is the real reason behind switching over from analogue to digital TV? Was it so consumers would have a better viewing experience? Or was it something more sinister than that?
German man suspected of killing 21 colleagues in poisoned sandwich plot, police say
Visual Release Hallucinations (Charles Bonnet syndrome)
Visual release hallucinations
Visual release hallucinations (Charles Bonnet syndrome)
Methanol toxicity
Analog Versus Digital TV: What's the Difference?
Can our TV signals be picked up on other planets?
Next On TV
Are Aliens Watching Old TV Shows?
DTV Is Coming (And Sooner Than You Think!)
Logo Art By Ash Black
Opening Song: "Atlantis Attacks"
Closing Song: "Bella Royale"
Music By Simple
Rabbitron 3000 created by Eerbud
Thanks to Chris K, Founder Of The Golden Rabbit Brigade
Dead Rabbit Archivist Some Weirdo On Twitter AKA Jack
YouTube Champ Stewart Meatball
The Haunted Mic Arm provided by Chyme Chili
The Golden Rabbit Army: Fabio N, Chyme Chili, Greg Gourley, Vixen
Wiki created by Germ
Twitter: @DeadRabbitRadio
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Mailing Address
Jason Carpenter
PO Box 1363
Hood River, OR 97031
Paranormal, Conspiracy, and True Crime news as it happens! Jason Carpenter breaks the stories they'll be talking about tomorrow, assuming the world doesn't end today.
All Contents Of This Podcast Copyright Jason Carpenter 2018 - 2023