Nov 13, 2022
Philosopher, emerging public intellectual, and the Director of Great Philosophical Problems, Dr. Timothy Shaw joins the show. Dr. Shaw has undertaken original research into how existential concepts impact and are reflected in the psychological distress models of the “Signature Wound” of contemporary war, Moral Injury.
Moral Injury is the damage done to one’s conscience or moral compass when that person perpetrates, witnesses, or fails to prevent acts that transgress one’s own moral beliefs, values, or ethical codes of conduct. Moral injury can occur in reaction to a traumatic event in which deeply held morals or values are violated. The resulting distress may lead to PTSD, depression, and other disorders in which feelings such as guilt, shame, betrayal and anger are predominant, although these feelings may occur in the absence of a formal disorder. Although most research that has been conducted has focused on military Veterans, moral injury can occur outside of the military context.
In this episode, we discuss: