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I'm Right. I'm Right!

Jill Cox-Cordova and her husband Anthony Cordova show how those of you with significant others can disagree often, but still maintain a healthy and happy relationship. 

In this inaugural episode, the two debate when a date counts as a date.

They also offer advice for first dates, albeit fun suggestions. For the serious tips, read their blog at

Music Composer and Performer: Gifford Ivan Cordova III

Podcast Artwork: Nick Zinkie

Producer: Jill Cox-Cordova 

Oct 5, 2023

In this week’s episode, Jill and Tony discuss how prevalent the sense of loneliness is for many people. Be part of the next show

Sep 28, 2023

In this week’s episode, Jill and Tony discuss ridiculous romance scams and con artists. Be part of the next show

Sep 21, 2023

In this week’s episode, Jill and Tony discuss when people refuse to be with a mate who has never been or won’t go to see a therapist. Be part of the next show

Sep 14, 2023

In this week’s episode, Jill and Tony talk about people who are afraid to show kindness. Be part of the next show

Sep 7, 2023

In this week’s episode, Jill and Tony question aloud whether you have to tell your mate where you are or where you’re going at all times? Be part of the next show