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Oct 29, 2019

After writing a 37-page opus on Tesla, Vitaliy is often asked what he thinks of Tesla stock. Although he is a very enthusiastic Model 3 owner, he can equally see both sides of the argument around Tesla as an investment. This makes him neither bullish nor bearish, but someone who can foresee distinctly different paths...

Oct 22, 2019

After dropping off his son Jonah at the airport for a gap year in Israel between high school and college, Vitaliy reads a letter from Jonah and reflects on what success really means. Since we only get a limited amount of time on Planet Earth, what does true achievement look like? And what is the role of attention...

Oct 15, 2019

The past decade has been a smooth one for the market, but the road ahead is uncertain. Listen to Vitaliy explain what kind of portfolio is needed to survive whatever the future has in store for us in the upcoming years.

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Oct 8, 2019

“You look horrible. You have bags under your eyes; your face has no color. Are you okay?” This is what Vitaliy's stepmother told him last week when he stopped by his parents’ house after work. Vitaliy felt worse than he looked. No, dear listener, he did not have a financial crash. Here is what happened.

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Oct 1, 2019

What do a degenerate gambler and a stock market investor have in common? Vitaliy discusses this question, using a real estate example.

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