Feb 23, 2023
Vitaliy and his daughter Hannah visited India for a CFA society event.
The journey opened their eyes to the contrasts between the West and the sub-continent both in culture and India's potential investment merits.
You can read this article online here:
Feb 17, 2023
Vitaliy gives an update on IMA's investment in cable company Charter. After being punched in the face by a declining stock price, Vitaliy and his team did an extensive amount of additional research on the business and industry.
He believes IMA's initial research was correct and will be proven out in time. Here's...
Feb 9, 2023
Vitaliy outlines how the conditions are ripe for a sideways market, something he knows about, having written two books on the subject.
He shares how to invest in sideways markets, and what to expect overall.
You can read this article online here:
Feb 2, 2023
Vitaliy is embarrassed to admit that he has at times felt Schadenfreude, "shameful joy", upon seeing growth stocks decline.
But his stoicism and decency quickly kicked in, and he banished this destructive feeling. Here's how.
You can read this article online here: