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Doulas of the Roundtable

Doulas of the Roundtable

Apr 30, 2021

Many doulas are curious about the types of doula partnership structures that exist. From life as a solo doula to life as an agency owner. To the life of an independent doula and an independent contractor working for an agency. We explore the many options that exist today for structuring a doula business.

Apr 16, 2021

Many doulas come to birth work after having their own birth experience. When it comes to serving clients, the question that typically arises is, "To share or not to share?" The truth is, it depends on the situation, and the client. It also heavily depends on the doula. Come join us as we discuss the many...

Apr 2, 2021

April is Cesarean Awareness Month! We often hear discussions about supporting a client through a cesarean birth. Yet we don't often hear about how to support our clients after a cesarean birth. In this episode, we discuss the many ways that labor and postpartum doulas can support their clients who give birth via cesarean.