Anne sits down with Amy Snell, the Devious Knitter, about how she became a knitting teacher, as well as what the transition to online teaching has been like. They also talk about the growth of the knitting community online and a new experience coming up in March called WoolWide Adventures.
Links to Things Mentioned in the Episode
Leave a 5-star review and kind comment on Apple Podcasts or
wherever you subscribe to the podcast to help others find the
Register for the upcoming live stream to
launch the WoolWide Adventures event that will take us through
March and April, just in time to start the Online International Fiber Festival
coming on May 1.
Find 30-second Interviews with members of the knitting community in
Anne’s Instagram Reels!
Learn about Amy Snell’s classes, designs, and podcast on her website!
Subscribe to her YouTube channel to see her
monthly podcast, Would Knit Be Fun? Also, find her tutorials there,
including her new way for teaching Judy’s Magic Cast On!
The song in this episode is “I Found Home,” by MPax and Paul Joung.
Many thanks to Morehouse Farm, Knit New Haven, and my patrons for sponsoring the podcast! Find other ways to support the podcast on the Be a Booster page!