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The Courage to Lead Podcast with Shawn Lovejoy

Sep 30, 2019

Healthy leaders grow healthy organizations, and health begins at home! That's why this episode of the CourageToLead Podcast with Shawn Lovejoy is dedicated to helping nurture the relationship that matters most...your marriage!

Enjoy part 2 of Shawn sharing some of the top lessons he's learned about marriage that have...

Sep 17, 2019

Recently, my wife Tricia and I celebrated twenty-six years of marriage. I love her more than ever! Our relationship is better than ever. We enjoy oneness more than ever. We have come so far. I have learned so much!

In this episode, the first of a two-part podcast series, I list some of the top lessons I have learned...

Sep 2, 2019


It’s everywhere.

Drama at work. Drama among staff. Drama in the small group. Drama at home. Drama at school. Drama in the neighborhood. Drama at the ball field. Drama in our nation + world!

While conflict is inevitable, drama is a choice!

How we handle conflict has a lot to do with building a...