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The Courage to Lead Podcast with Shawn Lovejoy

Feb 25, 2020

On the heels of CourageToLead’s first conference, CourageToLead LIVE, Shawn shares some of what he took away from the experience.

The conference was a sellout, a success, and a help to everyone who attended.

And while you may have heard it said that, “Leaders are learners", that learning wasn’t reserved for those...

Feb 18, 2020

Are you the leader of the organization?

If you answer, “Yes,” by title you may also qualify as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). However, being in charge doesn’t necessarily make you the real leader. 

There’s a difference between managing and leading. 

One is tactical. 

One is strategic. 

One causes you to...

Feb 11, 2020

Change is hard because we often overestimate the value of what we have and underestimate what we might gain by giving that up.

Living a life of impact requires taking some steps of faith.

Fear of failure and fear of what we leave behind are often the deterrents keeping us from taking those steps towards a...

Feb 4, 2020

When things aren’t going as we want, it’s easy to take a victim mentality and begin to think that we are solely a product of our circumstances. 

Successful leaders don’t allow life to happen to them and then use that as an excuse. Failing to take responsibility for your actions almost never leads your life and...