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The Courage to Lead Podcast with Shawn Lovejoy

Mar 31, 2020

You are one of the many courageous leaders who are adjusting to navigate the uncharted waters of the COVID-19 Crisis. Leading teams and organizations virtually, searching for new growth opportunities, and keeping things stabilized are all part of this new reality.

I want to remind you of the #1 resource you have:...

Mar 24, 2020

No one knows how long COVID-19 Crisis will last.

There’s no fast-forward button.

We can’t cancel 2020.

We can’t hibernate until 2021.

The only way out is through.

To help you navigate this moment when most feel like they don't know what to do, Shawn Lovejoy sits down for a conversation on leading through crisis...

Mar 18, 2020

Great leaders are identified through crisis.

At the time of this post, the COVID-19 Virus has been labeled a “pandemic”, businesses are suspending operations or working remotely, churches are scrambling to figure out how to hold gatherings, and America is essentially closed. 

It’s in moments like this leaders rise...

Mar 10, 2020

Organizations go through a “life cycle.” 

On the heels of growth, some organizations continue to improve and scale. 

Others, however, experience plateau, continue to employ practices that no longer work and begin to normalize a lack of growth.

Many of them remain stuck in this cycle of settling for the status quo if...

Mar 4, 2020

Want to position your life and leadership for max growth?

Guess what you DON’T NEED to make that happen...

You don’t need a new vision.

The vision you have for your life and what you lead is just fine. What you do need is to just communicate the vision you have in the right way. 

We're here to help. 

In this episode...