Nov 30, 2023
Are they the right person? Can they make it with me to the next level?
Perhaps you've had these thoughts or similar ones regarding current or previous team members. You've tried coaching them, encouraging them, but yet you still recognize it's probably time to let them go. How do you have these kind of...
Oct 26, 2023
In this episode, Shawn is joined by Brian Dodd and dicusses leadership, practical strategies for success, and the importance of adaptability.
Brian shares insights from his latest book, "Mighty," and highlights seven key leadership skills. He emphasizes the importance of being a master of your craft, having an economy...
Sep 28, 2023
Shawn welcomes Micah McElveen, a true visionary and the leader behind Vapor Ministries. They dive deep into the incredible journey of the organization, and Micah shares his own personal story of survival and transformation. Once dead and brought back to life, and also once living out of his car with his wife, today,...
Aug 31, 2023
Cord Sachs is founder and CEO of Fireseeds - a company on mission to discover remarkable leaders and deploy them into amazing companies. He is passionate about leader development, and in this episode, He and Shawn discuss what the new generation of employees really crave within an organization...and it's not ping pong...
Jul 27, 2023
Remember when you started off like a roaring lion, ready to conquer the world? You had courage, resilience, and an unstoppable spirit. But then life happened, and things changed. The challenges, people, and circumstances tamed that mighty lion into a meowing house cat.
Join Sam Chand -- leadership consultant, author,...