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All Things Therapy

May 25, 2017

My guest is Actor Xavier Owens talking about "Acting as a Healing Modality and Reconditioning." It's a wonder drug that he would prescribe for anyone to, "step out of one's shoes and into another reality." FInd him at:

May 18, 2017

My guest today is Nina Watt, MFT, LPC an expert in relationship counseling. Today we talk about couples and the role of social media on mental health. Find her at:

May 11, 2017

Laurie St. Clare Szucs is an Evolutionary Astrologer, and additionally certified as a Reflexologist, Massage Therapist, and Reiki Practitioner. FInd her at:

May 4, 2017

Today I speak with Architectural Glass Artist, Laurel Porcari on her Public Art Commissions and monumental glass installations. We have worked together and she is an inspiration: