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Level Up with Ethan Evans (retired Amazon VP)

Dec 24, 2019

Ego is more than just arrogance. Yes, one workplace problem comes from people who cannot hear other opinions or admit mistakes due to classic ego. This EZ Coach discussion will go beyond simple egotism, to the broader challenges that arise any time someone’s self-worth or self-identity, their ego, is threatened. All...

Dec 18, 2019

We all want to do meaningful work.  None of us wants to spend our time on busywork.  Yet if you are anything like me, too often you get to the end of the day only to realize that while you were busy all day, you did not get to your most critical work.  Other times, you work hard on something only to see needs change....

Dec 11, 2019

What is the “secret” to a good career development plan? Or more simply put, what will give you a clear and effective plan for your career?

Ethan had a revelation this weekend while researching what titles lead people to read further into what is written.  When it comes to personal development (think, dieting), most...

Dec 5, 2019

Public speaking is a critical tool for any professional. Many people think of managers, executives, and politicians when they think of speaking, but it is an invaluable ability for individual contributors as well. Workplace success comes from the combination of expertise and the means to share that knowledge...