Nov 10, 2021
We have all heard the saying, “if you want something, you have to work for it”. Makes sense, but how do you stay motivated, doing something you really don’t want to be doing? How do you get yourself to stop procrastinating when you have a lack of motivation to solve the problem at hand? Instead you want relax,...
Nov 8, 2021
We have all been in the situation at work where there is a rule that doesn’t make sense. The problem with rules is that once they are written down, they start to age and not all rules age well. This leads to exceptions to the rules and judgements calls needing to be made. When should an exception to the rule be...
Oct 28, 2021
At some point in your career, chances are you have had some feelings of self-doubt in the workplace. For some it could look like a project that feels a bit beyond your expertise and for others it maybe psychological pattern that hinders a workday completely. Feelings of personal incompetence that persist...
Oct 26, 2021
Most of us work a minimum 40-hour work week. Now with working from home, we tend to put in more eight-hour workdays than we did before Covid-19. We’ve all heard the phrase “Work Smarter Not Harder”, but what does that really mean? What does it look like and how can we work smarter? There are simple things we can...
Jul 30, 2021
It doesn’t matter if you’re in the interview process or years into your career, eventually you will have to negotiate your pay. As your career grows you take on more responsibility, however how do you make sure your pay increases along with your career? The main problem is simple: most people never ask for a pay...