Oct 22, 2019
Do you ever feel stuck or totally uninspired when you go to create content? I feel you girl...I mean, I wrote a whole book and I swear I get the worst writer’s block when it comes to writing an Instagram caption…
Well today we’re talking about how you can create the HABIT of feeling more inspired, by starting a daily writing practice. This has seriously changed my LIFE over the past few months and it has led to not only the inspiration behind podcast episodes and social media posts, but even some new ideas for businesses or passion projects that I want to start.
If you’ve been feeling stuck, or like you need a jolt of fresh inspiration, this episode is for you!
In this episode you will learn:
My favorite writing prompts:
Join us at Event Luv January 7-11, 2020! Learn more and book a 15 minute call with Lindsey or Lori Harder to get your questions answered at www.eventluv.com
Let’s connect!