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Powerhouse Women

Jan 13, 2022

I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, I am seriously feeling that this year is going to be a year of transformation for me. And my COO, Hannah, is feeling the same way for herself as well. Today, we are back with another Q&A episode answering your questions about “leveling up”. Easier said than done… I know! So in this episode, we go into the realistic steps you can take to level up each day, how to build a network of the right people who you can grow with, how to handle the effects of growth, plus personal stories where we’ve felt imposter syndrome seep in and how we dealt with it.


In this episode we talk about:

  • What realistic steps you can take to level up each day
  • How do I step into my higher self when my current work environment is toxic and negative
  • How to find the right people to connect with and grow with
  • How to manage the uneasy feeling you may get before you make a big transformation


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( :48 ) Welcome back to another episode of Powerhouse Women! Hannah, my business partner, has joined me for another Q&A episode.

( 1:21 ) Text us your questions and you may get a shoutout on a future Q&A episode! Today’s question to our Powerhouse Women community was, “What do you want to know about leveling up?”

( 2:45 ) This conversation can apply to any area of your life.

( 3:22 ) Hannah reads the first question from Lauren, “What’s a day in the life of taking realistic steps of leveling up?”

( 8:46 ) Lindsey shares the second two-part question submitted by Thelma, “What do you consider the scariest part of growth and how do you overcome it?” And “Do you have a go-to mantra that helps you step into that higher self?”

( 14:19 ) Hannah shares questions submitted by Shannon, “How do you find ‘next level people’ to connect and grow with? Also, when growth occurs, it can cause other things in life to get out of whack. What are the best ways to deal with this?”

( 20:10 ) Lindsey shares a question shared by Karen, “How do I continue to step into my higher self when the environment I am in for 8 hours a day is toxic and makes me have self doubt?”

( 23:43 ) Lindsey shares something to consider when you’re thinking about the person you want to become: “How you do one thing is how you do everything.”

( 28:38 ) Lindsey and Hannah are solidifying the group for our 2022 Powerhouse Women Mastermind. Apply today by texting MASTERMIND to (602) 536-7829.

( 29:01 ) Lindsey and Hannah talk about how imposter syndrome sets in before you’re about to make a big transformation.