Aug 7, 2019
Have you heard of redlining? If so, do you know what it means today? And are you aware that the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), created by President Roosevelt in 1934, actually institutionalized the system of discriminatory lending in government-backed mortgages in America?
Today, we're talking about redlining. In the 1930s, government surveyors, developed by the Homeowners Loan Coalition, graded neighborhoods in 239 American cities, using color-coded maps to indicate the level of security for real estate investments. These maps were based purely on assumptions about the various communities.
Tune into this episode of Dear White Women to hear about the Federal Housing Administration and why it was created, to learn about what redlining is and how it impacted homeownership almost a century ago, and to find out how all of this ties into patterns of gentrification today.
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