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Dear White Women

Jul 29, 2020

Just because one person manages to make it out of a really tough neighborhood does NOT mean that if everybody applies the same level of grit, they should be able to make it out, too. We need to use their story as what it is - an exception - and learn from what worked to help them make it out, and change the environment...

Jul 22, 2020

Since the influx of new listenership and followers ever since that awful weekend when Amy Cooper was exposed and George Floyd was murdered, we wanted to take this opportunity to re-introduce ourselves.

We are Sara & Misasha, co-hosts of the podcast Dear White Women - where we aim to make it easy to enter uncomfortable...

Jul 15, 2020

When we think about abortion, we tend to imagine Planned Parenthood and/or providers who offer women’s healthcare in their doctor’s offices.  We don’t really think about people who are choosing to self-manage the termination of their pregnancy.  

(Side note: what comes to mind when you hear the...

Jul 8, 2020

We’ve been hearing a LOT about #DefundThePolice, which doesn’t mean exactly what it sounds like; we’re not here at this point to argue the pros or cons of defunding the police, but what we love to do is to unpack the why behind things, the history of things, so we can better understand what is really happening...

Jul 1, 2020

According to Feeding America, African American households face hunger at a rate more than twice that of white, non-Hispanic households. And getting enough to eat is a consistent struggle for 1 in 4 African American children.

COVID-19 has exacerbated these disparities with many BIPOC communities experiencing higher death...