Dec 16, 2020
There are people among us who elevate art to something beyond imitating life - to something that makes us think deeply, find the beauty in those moments both trivial and profound, and challenge the meaning in things that seem obvious.
Enter our guest today. We speak with internationally renowned poet and inspirational human being jessica Care moore about her latest collection, We Want Our Bodies Back, which is dedicated to Black Lives Matter activist Sandra Bland, who died in jail under suspicious circumstances following a pretextual traffic stop in 2015.
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About the author:
JESSICA CARE MOORE is the founder and CEO of Moore Black Press, executive producer of Black WOMEN Rock!, and founder of the literacy-driven, Jess Care Moore Foundation. An internationally renowned poet, playwright, performance artist, and producer, she is the 2019 and 2017 Knight Arts Award Winner, 2016 Kresge Arts Fellow, NAACP Great Expectations Awardee, and an Alain Locke Award recipient from the Detroit Institute of Arts. Moore is the author of The Words Don’t Fit in My Mouth, The Alphabet Verses the Ghetto, Sunlight Through Bullet Holes, and the critically acclaimed Techno Choreopoem, Salt City. Her work has been published in numerous literary collections and she has performed on stages all over the world, including, The Apollo Theater, Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and the London Institute for Contemporary Arts. Jessica lives and writes in an historic Detroit neighborhood with her son King Thomas.
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