Mar 25, 2020
Sara and Misasha continue with their income inequality arc in today’s episode, with a special focus on what happens when you’re sick and poor.
Their recent exploration into income inequality issues is part of their deep dive into election issues. If you haven’t yet listened to the last couple of episodes, links...
Mar 18, 2020
This episode addresses our mental well-being in the face of the dramatic changes that have taken place over the last week.
Join Sara and Misasha as they offer encouragement during this time of “social distancing” and the fear that is developing around it.
Show Highlights:
Mar 11, 2020
Welcome to the 50th episode of the Dear White Women Podcast!! Thank you for all your comments, feedback, and support. Please continue sharing this podcast with your friends and family members, especially those with whom you need to have these uncomfortable conversations.
On today’s episode, Sara and Misasha continue...
Mar 4, 2020
You may have not thought about income inequality but it is definitely a big issue heading into this election season.
A new survey released in January by the Pew Research Center found that economic inequality is a concern with voters and not just liberals.
Americans across the board today see income inequality as...