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Dear White Women

Feb 22, 2022

If you’re listening to this episode at the time of release, we’re three days past a momentous anniversary in United States history - and one that you may have never heard of.  On February 19th, 1942, 80 years ago, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 into law.  This was the law that...

Feb 15, 2022

There are those moments when you watch something, or learn something, that changes how you see not only yourself, but our history, along with the future, completely differently.  That’s how we felt about Who We Are, a new documentary featuring Jeffrey Robinson, produced by Robinson and our two guests: Emily and...

Feb 8, 2022

At the time that A Kids Book About Racism was published, there was no other book like this.  There was no other book written FOR kids talking directly about racism, let alone a book that was written by someone who looked like Misasha’s mixed-race kids.  She still has that copy; they’ve read it as a family countless...

Feb 1, 2022

Middle age.  What comes to mind?  Next question:  When you think of a woman who’s aged somewhere between her early 40s and mid 60s, who do you picture?  And if you’re not one of then, when you’re thinking about women in this age range, how do they show up in your daily life?  Do they show up?  And, what race is...