Dec 5, 2022
Astronomy Cast Ep. 661: Looking Back on the Missions That Ended
by Fraser Cain & Dr. Pamela Gay
It’s always sad to say goodbye, but when we send our robotic emissaries out into the cosmos, it’s just a matter of time before they shut down. Today we’re going to say goodbye to a few missions which have reached the end of their lives… But they were very good robots.
This video was made possible by the following Patreon members:
Burry Gowen
Jordan Young
Kevin Lyle
Jeanette Wink
Stephen Veit
J.F. Rajotte
Andrew Poelstra
Venkatesh Chary
David Truog
Aurora Lipper
Gerhard Schwarzer
Will Hamilton
Brian Cagle
THANK YOU! - Fraser and Dr. Pamela