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Graydancer's Ropecast

Interviews, opinion, and education about kink and BDSM as well as polyamory, adult sex education, consent culture, and more. 

Jun 30, 2008

Just a couple of additions/corrections to the most recent podcast.

Jun 29, 2008

Gray heeds a listener's call to return to his roots in rope, with a primer on the basics of working rope into your kink. Updates on the ART of Rita, Graydancer's upcoming travel, plus a guest skit by the Garageband Nawashi Singers.


Links mentioned:


For the finest hemp, 4-strand, silk, bamboo, and other...

Jun 19, 2008

Gray interviews Tristan Taormino, author of Opening Up: A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships.

There are also a few spots left on Rita for your sponsorship of the ART of Rita. The ART itself will take place on July 10th, but her available limbs, etc. are going fast. To be a part of it, visit

Jun 7, 2008

First, Uli from Germany shares with us a gallery of Araki's work.

Next, lots of concerned feedback about the recent Electroporn podcast which reviewed eXtreme Restraints suspension frame and Deluxe Digital Power Box. Graydancer addresses the safety issues and reminds you of the special offer from eXtreme Restraints to...