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Graydancer's Ropecast

Interviews, opinion, and education about kink and BDSM as well as polyamory, adult sex education, consent culture, and more. 

Dec 11, 2013

Thanks to the continued support of the Devil's Mask Society, Graydancer is joined on the Ropecast by Kazami Ranki, a Japanese bondage performer and teacher based in Osaka. With the translation help of Kikoropes and support from Demonsix, they talk about the worldwide rope scene, connection, competition, and just how...

Nov 4, 2013

Master K, the author of "The Beauty of Kinbaku", shares the news of the release of the Japanese edition of his book. Of course, he and Gray also get off track and talk about performance, rope teaching, cumulative injuries on bottoms, and much more. 

Nov 1, 2013

My passion is using ropes as an art medium
and painting the human body like a canvas
using Japanese delicate style of rope bondage.
- Kasumi

With the translation help of Kikorope (who you met in the last Ropecast) and technical support from the Devil's Mask Society, we have an interview with a fantastic rope artist...

Oct 14, 2013

Graydancer covers some business (such as the upcoming GRUEs in San Fran, Washington DC, Los Angeles, and South Carolina) as well as giving kudoes to his fellow performers at Morpheous' Bondage Extravaganza. Then it's full steam ahead into a ropetastic interview with Demonsix (of the Devil's Mask Society*) and KikoRope,...

Sep 7, 2013

Graydancer shares some listener mail and corrections before we finish off the GRUE Pitt Fishbowl Discussion with: Tops answering the questions bottoms and switches wanted to ask!

This podcast is sponsored by the Devils Mask Society and listeners like YOU