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Graydancer's Ropecast

Interviews, opinion, and education about kink and BDSM as well as polyamory, adult sex education, consent culture, and more. 

Dec 29, 2014

DemonSix, kinbaku scholar and teacher par excellence, returns to the Ropecast in discussion about techniques of teaching and learning rope, community connections, and some of the things he learned from Kazami Ranki (shown here) during the bakushi's recent visit to L.A. 


The Ropecast Patreon PageYou can now directly support the...

Dec 19, 2014

Graydancer went to the North American Rope Exchange and all he got was three outstanding podcasts! This is part one, on-the-spot interviews with many of the organizers and attendees. You get to hear the hum of ropesters in the background as people talk about their experience, their plans, and most of...