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Graydancer's Ropecast

Interviews, opinion, and education about kink and BDSM as well as polyamory, adult sex education, consent culture, and more. 

Mar 10, 2009

This episode: the secret to staying kinky in a fiscal depression, aka: buy quality, you never regret it! Recommended products include:

  1. Hemp from Twisted Monk, proud sponsor of the Ropecast.
  2. Jute from Kinkyropes (special "volumizer" sale through Easter!)
  3. MFP from Rainbow Rope
  1. David Lawrence's new book "reBound"
  2. Kink on Demand shoots from
  3. Visiting Graydancer's site or gallery for free nekkidness!
  1. Shibaricon - Early Bird Registration Extended!
  2. Maybe a GRUE near you?
  3. KinkForAll
  4. Sex 2.0
If you want to do Graydancer a favor, you could do worse than nominate him for either Best Rigger or Best Writer at the Bondage Awards. You can vote once a day, so do it often!

And our main event: an in-depth interview at the Crucible Rope Academy with Maria Shadoes of!

Next podcast is STEAMPUNK, so send your comments to