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Graydancer's Ropecast

Interviews, opinion, and education about kink and BDSM as well as polyamory, adult sex education, consent culture, and more. 

Oct 9, 2010

Graydancer talks about the various kink experiences had between Folsom Faire and NYC, including:

With side trips into the NYC Sex Blogger Calendar Party with Tied Up Events and even occasional spontaneous moments of song. Whew! Packed with content, this is one big hunka gooooooooood rope!

See Graydancer yourself in NYC at two classes coming to the island: Tie Em Up & F**k Em and ShadowPlay: Exploring the Intimate Edge. Get your tickets now!


over fourteen years ago

You have once again totally amazed me with your expert ability to eternaly blather on and on and on about all things rope. In my opinion you are hands down the best rope blatherer, ever, anywhere, period.
Your voice is hypnotic and very, very sexy. And you make even the most mundane of topics really entertaining. Your interviews are fun and informative. You help people see the inside stories on events and the people behind the events. You bring out the best in those you interview and you make everyone feel good.

I logged onto this particular podcast to hear you interview Mataleo, Ten, and Wicked Blue Glow. As I know them it was especially fun to listen to.
I also found out about some interesting things going on in my neighborhood that I had no idea were going on.

So blather on BlatherMaster...
You made my night.

See you at Winter Solstice in Edison, NJ on NY weekend.
