Aug 30, 2018
In Episode 54 Jeff Belanger and Ray Auger row out on Scoby Lake in Francestown, New Hampshire... a place better known by its official name: Haunted Lake (seriously)! How did this lake get that name? Is it really haunted, or just a story? Jeff and Ray find out!
Aug 23, 2018
In Episode 53 Jeff Belanger and Ray Auger visit the streets of Provincetown, Massachusetts, at night in search of the Black Flash -- a creature said to be cloaked in black, over eight feet tall, who lurks the streets of town late at night, leaping over tall fences and bushes. In the late 1930s his presence was known on...
Aug 16, 2018
In Episode 52 Jeff Belanger and Ray Auger mark the one-year anniversary of the podcast in the dark! On May 19, 1780, the skies over all six New England states turned black at 11 in the morning. The darkness lasted over 16 hours. Many believed this was judgment day and turned to their churches. Others turned to their...
Aug 9, 2018
In Episode 51 Jeff Belanger and Ray Auger visit Evergreen Cemetery in New Haven, Vermont, in search of the final resting place of Timothy Clark Smith -- a man who suffered from taphephobia -- the fear of being buried alive. Smith's 1893 grave was designed with a chimney and a window. Why did he do it? And what's...
Aug 2, 2018
In Episode 50 Jeff Belanger and Ray Auger head to the forests of northern Maine on a quest to find Razor Shins -- an immortal monster in search of alcohol. When Maine loggers left out an acceptable offering, Razor Shins could prove helpful. If they failed to leave him hooch, he could turn deadly... Razor Shins...