Best of the Left Podcast : (2011/02/15) A collection of embarrassments (Media)

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The Podcasts

Edition #456

A collection of embarrassments


Act 1: Kirk Cameron less crazy than CNN - Majority Report

Song 1: My brother the ape - They might be giants

Act 2: Bananas, the atheist's nightmare

Act 3: Michelle 'my butt' - Media Matters

Song 3: Solsbury hill - Vitamin String Quartet

Act 4: CNN becomes the news - Rachel Maddow

Song 4: Too bad - Nickelback

Act 5: Behind the scenes at Air America - Majority Report

Song 5: Hey ya - Vitamin String Quartet

Act 6: Limbaugh is an American embarrassment - Media Matters

Act 7: The new McCarthyism - Thom Hartmann

Song 7: Stop the madness - Marty Dread

Act 8: Glenn Beck is deranged - Counterspin

Song 8: Wonderwall - Vitamin String Quartet

Act 9: Only called Obama racist once - Media Matters

Act 10: O'Reilly defends his Nazi analogies - Daily Show

Song 10: Call me - Blondie

Act 11: Fox News makes you less informed - Majority Report

Song 11: Honesty - Billy Joel

Act 12: Thank you Fox News - Media Matters

Song 12: I turn my camera on - Spoon

Act 13: Fox insider tells all - Young Turks



Chuck in Salt Lake City on running a primary against Obama

Joyce from TN on gun control episode


Final comments responding to running a presidential primary candidate and a pro-gun listener email


Bonus iPhone/iPod Touch App Content:

The Best F#@king News Team Won't Stop Ever - Daily Show


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Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST