Best of the Left Podcast : (2011/05/04) Voter and candidate suppression (Elections)

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The Podcasts

Edition #483

Voter and candidate suppression

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Act 1: Florida hindering new voter registration - Rachel Maddow

Song 1: Einstein On The Beach - Counting Crows

Act 2: British democracy news, alternate voting - The Bugle

Song 2: Right to complain - Trombone Shorty & Marc Broussard

Act 3: The AVs vs the AV-nots - Johann Hari

Song 3: Show me something new - Shout Out Louds

Act 4: AV or not AV, that is the question - BBC News Quiz

Song 4: Vertigo - Anya Marina

Act 5: GOP election strategies - Rachel Maddow

Song 5: Something happened - Visitors

Act 6: Donald Trump polls for 2012 - Young Turks

Song 6: The entertainer - Scott Joplin

Act 7: Media misleads on viable candidates - Counterspin

Song 7: Where is my mind? - The Pixies

Act 8: Completely unnecessary birth certificate news - The Bugle

Song 8: All I want is you - Vitamin String Quartet

Act 9: Fox News winks at birthers - Media Matters

Act 10: Goldie Taylor's eloquent response to Obama's birth certificate - Rachel Maddow


Thoughts on supporting local liberals in the next election - Carter from Denver

Thoughts on an independent voice to push Obama to the left - Patrick from Holden Mass

Call to action May 5th at the AZ state capitol - Amit from the Bronx

Pro-nuclear argument - Patrick from Florida

Voicemail Music: 

Turtle (Bonobo Remix) - Pilote

Final comments on the anti-nuclear argument, NLC fundraising

Bonus iPhone/iPod Touch App Content:

Palin's 61% Disapproval Rating In Alaska - Young Turks

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: Voter_and_candidate_suppression.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EST