Best of the Left Podcast : (2012/02/28) The War on Women Part 2: Subjugation

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Edition #580

The War on Women Part 2: Subjugation

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Act 1: O'Reilly: Drunk Women Get Pregnant  - Young Turks - Air Date: 07-25-11

Song 1: Resist - Katy McAllister

Act 2: Virginia government wants to physically penetrate you - Rachel Maddow Air Date: 2-14-12

Song 2: Gimme Sympathy - Metric

Act 3: Girlfriend Acting All Clingy After Getting Pregnant - The Onion

Song 3: Fidelity - Regina Spektor

Act 4: Rectal Exam Amendment To Anti-Abortion Bill - The Young Turks - Air Date: 2-1-12

Song 4: Timeless - Kate Havnevik

Act 5: Susan G. Komen Reverses, Returns Planned Parenthood Funding - David Pakman -Air Date: 02-06-12

Song 5: Clowns (Can you see me now?) - t.A.T.u.

Act 6: Stop Normalizing Rape - The Progressive Air Date: 12-15-11

Song 6: Winter winds - Piano Tribute Players

Act 7: Fox Contributor:  Sexual Assault Prevention in the Military is "Bureaucracy Upon Bureaucracy" - Media Matters Air Date: 2-13-12

Act 8: Komen's Anti-Abortion VP Wanted To Defund Planned Parenthood - TYT - Air Date: 2-6-12

Song 8: Foundations - Kate Nash

Act 9: The Right Wing Is Taking Rights Away From Women, But Were They Really Using Them  - Lee Camp - Air Date 2-20-12

Song 9: A beautiful mine - RJD2

Act 10: Komen VP Handel Resigns Over Planned Parenthood Dispute - TYT- Air Date: 2-7-12

Song 10: Enough - Dance Hall Crashers

Act 11: How the needle moves as conservatives push their anti-woman agenda - Double X Gabfest Air Date: 2-22-12

Song 11: Save me - Aimee Mann

Act 12: The fear over giving women power over their own bodies - Opinionated Air Date: 2-22-12

Final comments on analyzing the societal narrative of women in popular culture

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: The_War_on_Women_Part_2__Subjugation.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST