Best of the Left Podcast : (2012/03/14) If it looks, walks and quacks like a nuclear duck (Foreign Policy)

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Edition #585

If it looks, walks and quacks like a nuclear duck

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Act 1: Pending war with Iran - Wait wait don't tell me - Air Date: 3-3-12

Song 1: For what it's worth - Buffalo Springfield

Act 2: American War Drums against Iran - On the Media - Air Date: 2-9-12

Song 2: Turk - Errors

Act 3: Why Does Iran Always Seem To Be "Months Away" From a Nuclear Bomb? - Media Matters Air Date: 2-23-12

Act 4: War With Iran A Terrible Idea - Here's Why - Young Turks - Air Date: 2-21-12

Song 4: Everybody's gone to war - Nerina Pallot

Act 5: God Re-Floods Middle East - The Onion

Song 5: Deep water - Pansy Division

Act 6: All of the options about war with Iran including no war - Counterspin Air Date: 3-8-12

Song 6: Highwire - Men at Work

Act 7: Can We Stop A War With Iran - Young Turks - Air Date: 2-22-12

Song 7: Black & Blue - Miike Snow

Act 8: Obama Calls Out GOP Warhawks on Iran - Majority Report - Air Date: 3-7-12

Song 8: Lost and found - Hotrod Cadets

Act 9: Beating the drum in the media for war with Iran - Jimmy Dore Show Air Date: 3-9-12

Song 9: Daylight robbery - Imogen Heap

Act 10: Danger of Iran's Nuclear Duck - The Bugle Air Date: 3-9-12

Final comments and conversation with Jimmy Dore on context being 'everything' in comedy

Produced by:

Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: If_it_looks_walks_and_quacks_like_a_nuclear_duck.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm EST