Best of the Left Podcast : #1250 Teachers at the forefront of a resurgent progressive labor movement

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Air Date: 2/15/2019

Today we take a look at recent teachers union strike in the Los Angeles school district and see it as another event in an emerging pattern of progressive uprisings that have been stirring for the last decade, fighting back against the status quo, the neoliberal instinct to privatize everything for the ultimate benefit of billionaires. 

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Ch. 1: Why Teachers Are Striking in Los Angeles - NowThis - Air Date 1-20-19

‘This strike is a strike to save public education.’ — Here’s why Los Angeles teachers are striking in their own words.

Ch. 2: LA Teachers on Strike with Eric Blanc - Jacobin Radio - Air Date 1-21-2019

Eric Blanc talks about how public education is the last holdout of labor movements and the hope that their success will bolster further labor movements throughout the U.S.

Ch. 3: Alex Caputo-Pearl explains the teachers union strategy and planning ahead of the strike - Belabored by Dissent Magazine - Air Date 1-13-19

Caputo-Pearl talks about a wide range of issues that led to the strike. Building up to the strike as a leader in the union. UTLA received criticism for being too bold but with an issue this large, it's important to be bold.

Ch. 4: Jackie Goldberg explains the problems with charter schools Part 1 - Jacobin Radio - Air Date 1-21-19

Jackie Goldberg breaks down all the problems with the Charter School movement and how much the billionaires behind it are destroying public education.

Ch. 5: Sarah Jaffe on the intersectional movements coming together in the teachers strike - The Dig - Air Date 1-17-2019

The people in power are all about privatization. Public education attacks are compared to citizens united. Public schools have become a competing marketplace instead of educational services.

Ch. 6: Jackie Goldberg explains the problems with charter schools Part 2 - Jacobin Radio - Air Date 1-21-19

Jackie continues, describing how Charters have rigged the system so all funds go to them, in essence, re-segregating school between those with and those without. Those without typically being black and brown people.

Ch. 7: A surge in strikes! - Past Present - Air Date: 1-28-2019

Niki, Natalia, and Neil discuss the Los Angeles teachers’ strike. Enthusiasm for collective action since the election of '45. Fighting for the very existence of public schools. Charter makes things better for some, public makes things better for all (when properly funded and supported). Charter squirms around Unions. 

Ch. 8: Sarah Jaffe on the conflict within the Democratic party at the core of the LA teachers strike - Start Making Sense - Air Date 1-22-2019

Sarah Jaffe discusses why the parents agreed with the strike. Librarians who have to travel to different schools every day of the week. Will austerity reign, or can they turn it around. Fight for a society that actually provides what people need.

Ch. 9: LA Teachers Striking For All Of Us - The Michael Brooks Show - 01-07-2019

While the LA Teachers Union strikes, their demands are referred to as shiny distractions. Increased privatization by charter schools reduces the effectiveness of public education.


Ch. 10: We should allow evolution in our politicians - Colin from Cleveland, OH


Ch. 11: Final comments on restorative justice and open access to our weekly poll

MUSIC(Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Thannoid - Bodytonic
  • When We Set Out - Arc and Crecent
  • Moon Bicycle Theme - American Moon Bicycle
  • Wingspan - Bayou Birds
  • Open Flames - Aeronaut
  • Parade Shoes - Arc and Crecent
  • Stale Case - Darby
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1250_LA_Teachers_Strike_Air_Date_2-15-19_-_2-15-19_20.25.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EDT