Best of the Left Podcast : #1301 Building a Livable and Just World in a Time of Climate Chaos

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Air Date: 8/30/2019

Today we take a look at the strategies being developed to mitigate and adapt to climate chaos while centering social justice in our planning

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EPISODE SPONSORS: Clean Choice Energy

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Ch. 1: Life After Carbon with Peter Plastrik and John Cleveland - Infinite Earth Radio - Air Date 2-25-19

What do cities look like today? What do they need to look like in the very near future? Innovation is needed. We need radical transformation and integration of rural and urban.

Ch. 2: Adapting to Climate Change - The Brian Lehrer Show - Air Date 4-24-19

Jeffrey Ball, lecturer at Stanford Law School, scholar-in-residence at Stanford’s Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance, and writer on energy and the environment, talks about the complications of try to adapt to climate change.

Ch. 3: The Land Politics of Solar Energy - The Real News - Air Date 8-25-19

Dustin Mulvaney examines the complicated environmental impact—and political economy—of U.S. solar projects, and explains his hopes for the industry's future

Ch. 4: Climate Safe Infrastructure with Cris Liban - Infinite Earth Radio - Air Date 10-17-18

Sustainable infrastructures must be implemented with the goal of helping the marginalized and reducing inequality. Investments in communities and people to get us to work and reduce the dangers of climate change.

Ch. 5: The State of Adaptation and Climate Adaptation Finance with Harvard’s Jesse Keenan - America Adapts - Air Date 2-23-19

Dr. Jesse Keenan, from Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, recently published a book Climate Adaptation Finance and Investment in California. Topics include adaptation finance, understanding ‘maladaptation’, social equity and much, much more!

Ch. 6: Designing Our Communities for Justice - The Next System Podcast - Air Date 5-30-19

This week we are discussing how to design communities for justice, in particular as communities seek to respond to challenges of climate change, with new projects from transit to infrastructure.


Ch. 7: Thoughts on the Democratic party dispute - V from Central New York

Ch. 8: Thoughts on the new energy from the youth of America - Vance from Oregon


Ch. 9: Final comments on the slow progressive takeover and the power of having a good story to tell


  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • The Edification of Art - Nathanael Christy
  • God's Playground - Nathanael Christy
  • In the Name of the King - Nathanael Christy
  • Growing Pains - Nathanael Christy
  • A Space-Time Odyssey - Nathanael Christy
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1301_Climate_Infrastructure_Air_Date_8-30-19_-_8-30-19_19.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm EDT