Best of the Left Podcast : #1324 State of the Unions and the 2020 Elections

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The Podcasts

Air Date 12/10/2019

Today we take a look at the labor movement as energy and power continue to build and more workers continue to strike to demand better conditions for themselves and all of society in an intersectional movement for social justice. Though not much thanks can be given to either political party.

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Ch. 1: UAW GM Strike Rooted In Decades-Long Struggle For Dignity with Steven Greenhouse - Democracy Now - Air Date 9-18-19

Steve Greenhouse discusses the history of union organizing and the current state of unions in the GM strike.

Ch. 2: Past and Present of Collective Action with Jane McAlevey - On The Media - Air Date 9-20-19

Jane McAlevey discusses the power of labor in reshaping inequality.

Ch. 3: A Plan To Revive American Unions with Mary Kay Henry Part 1 - The Weeds with Matt Yglesias - Air Date 9-10-19

Mary Kay Henry discusses the possibilities of a strong labor force in shaping society.

Ch. 4: State of Labor with Kate Bronfenbrenner - Counterspin - Air Date 9-6-19

Kate Bronfenbrenner discusses the possibilities of the power of labor and the role of the gig economy.

Ch. 5: Will Unions Deliver 2020 To Democrats with Dave Jamieson - The Takeaway Politics with Amy Walter - Air Date 8-30-19

Amy Walter talks with several experts about the history of labor resistance and their ties to the Democratic Party

Ch. 6: A Plan To Revive American Unions with Mary Kay Henry Part 2 - The Weeds with Matt Yglesias - Air Date 9-10-19

Mary Kay Henry discusses the possibilities of a strong labor force in shaping society.


Ch. 7: Share in the profits by lowering costs - Bud from Boise

Ch. 8: Pulling people to the left - Corey from New Jersey

Ch. 9: Thanks for important conversations - Jake from the UK


Ch. 10: Final comments on how Republicans have become what they defend

Limerick of the day from @Limerick_News

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • PolyCoat - The Cabinetmaker
  • Streamer - Arc and Crecent
  • When We Set Out - Arc and Crecent
  • Milkwood - The Cabinetmaker
  • Parade Shoes - Arc and Crecent
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


SEIU Protest by Spot Us, Flickr | License | Changes: Cropped


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1324_Labor_Unions_Air_Date_12-10-19_-_12-10-19_17.45.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST