Best of the Left Podcast : #1328 Iraq, Citizens United, Obamacare, The Tea Party and The Deepwater Horizon (A Look Back at 2010)

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Air Date 1/14/2020

Today we take a look back at the year 2010 in our annual 10-years-past retrospective to see what we may learn. 2010 was an enormous year of news and I've been working on this episode so long that I can hardly remember life before I started.

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EPISODE SPONSORS:  Clean Choice Energy

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Ch. 1: Andrew Bacevich on Afghanistan - Bill Moyers Journal - Aired 5-15-10

Ch. 2: Congrats to Wikileaks! - Progressive Point of View - Aired 8-4-10

Ch. 3: Credit where credit is due - Rachel Maddow - Aired 9-4-10

Ch. 4: Obama Admin- Torture Not Illegal, Just A "Disagreement" - The Young Turks - Aired 3-27-10

Ch. 5: What's Next For Campaign Finance? - Bill Moyer's Journal - Aired 9-12-10

Ch. 6: Corporate Personhood - The Floodgates were Opened Today - Thom Hartmann - Aired 1-27-10

Ch. 7: Dems Must Fight Back on the Filibuster - Colbert Report

Ch. 8: Robert Knutter and on healthcare - Bill Moyer's Journal - Aired 1-23-10

Ch. 9: For he's a jowly good fellow - Colbert Report - Aired 1-3-10

Ch. 10: Obama's signing speech - Countdown - Aired 3-31-10

Ch. 11: The Un-Tea party movement - Rachel Maddow - Aired 4-25-10

Ch. 12: Obama crushes house GOP - The Young Turks

Ch. 13: Elizabeth Warren on financial reform - Colbert Report - Aired 5-6-10

Ch. 14: Financial Reform Bill is a Joke -- Economic Collapse Coming - The Young Turks - Aired 6-3-10

Ch. 15: Bet Against The American Dream - This American Life

Ch. 16: Israel does something crazy/frustrating - The Bugle - Aired 6-17-10

Ch. 17: Joe Biden Hits New Low Defending Israeli Murder - Matthew Rothschild - Aired 6-17-10

Ch. 18: Obama Mute on Israeli Aggression - Matthew Rothschild - Aired 6-17-10 -0:08-0:17

Ch. 19: Scapegoating Immigrant Children Now - The Progressive - Aired 9-7-10

Ch. 20: Republican Wants Illegal Immigrant Camps - The Young Turks - Aired 9-7-10

Ch. 21: Papers please amendments - Rachel Maddow - Aired 5-11-10

Ch. 22: BP oil spill – The Progressive

Ch. 23: Test of functioning media and politics - Rachel Maddow - Aired 6-15-10

Ch. 24: Strike it mucky! - The Bugle - Aired 6-23-10

Ch. 25: BP and the oil spill - The Now Show - Aired 7-1-10

Ch. 26: Bush-like missteps - The Daily Show - Aired 6-26-10

Ch. 27: Arne Duncan on US education system - Colbert Report - Aired 4-11-10

Ch. 28: Release the Kagan - The Daily Show - Aired 7-13-10

Ch. 29: Largest ever tax hike - Media Matters Minute - Aired 7-29-10 -0:45

Ch. 30: History made - Sanders speech - Countdown - Aired 12-16-10

Ch. 31: Pro-Gay Groups 'Desperate' For Obama To Take Action - NPR - Aired 12-11-10

Ch. 32: Beck vs MLK - Media Matters Minute - Aired 8-29-10

Ch. 33: Sanity/Fear protest of the absurd – NPR - Aired 11-16-10

Ch. 34: Religious and ethnic intolerance in the election - Rachel Maddow - Aired 11-4-10

Ch. 35: Yes we can, but - Le Show - Aired 11-10-10


Ch. 36: Final comments, last day of working at CCAN - Comments

Ch. 37: Real job coming to an end, increasing episode output immediately

Ch. 38: Over the Health Care Hump, on to other topics - Aired 4-6-10

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1328_2010_Retrospective_Air_Date_1-12-20_-_1-14-20_20.42.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:41pm EST