Best of the Left Podcast : #1333 An Examination of Fear, Anger, Forgiveness and Grace (Also, Mr. Rogers)

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Air Date 2/2/2020

Today we take a look at the relationship between fear, anger and how to deal with the structural forces of harm in our society. To help us, we examine two of the greatest thinkers of the past 65 years, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mister Rogers, and go beyond the nonviolence of King and interrogate Mr. Roger's insistence on liking everyone just the way they are.

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EPISODE SPONSORS: C-SPAN Campaign 2020  |  Clean Choice Energy

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Ch. 1: W. Kamau Bell on coming face to face with white supremacists - Finding Fred - Air Date 11-26-19

Empathy can be found when you understand what circumstances people came from

Ch. 2: Author Christian Picciolini on how white nationalists recruit and radicalize online - Democracy Now! - Air Date 3-18-19

Reformed neo-Nazi and author Christian Picciolini explains how white nationalists target vulnerable online communities

Ch. 3: The dubious luxury of anger - Progressive Faith Sermons w @RevDrRay - Air Date 6-24-17

Understanding the fear that underlies anger.

Ch. 4: Help the Helpers: Evil cannot withstand forgiveness - Finding Fred - Air Date 12-17-19

On being your best self. On the least of these. On the virtues of a cup of tea.

Ch. 5: Help the Helpers: But forgiveness can be complicated - Finding Fred - Air Date 12-17-19

You can't be nice to everyone because being nice to certain people is inherently cruel to others.

Ch. 6: Anger and forgiveness as a survival strategy - In The Thick - Air Date 10-4-19

Discussing the conviction and sentencing of Amber Guyger, the Dallas police officer who shot and killed her black neighbor, Botham Shem Jean

Ch. 7: Forgiveness in the #MeToo era - Interfaith Voices - Air Date 6-24-18

Many faith traditions emphasize the importance of forgiveness. But in the context of the #MeToo movement, can forgiveness silence women who have been abused?

Ch. 8: Why Do Black People Always Have to Forgive? - The Real News - Air Date 10-4-19

As Botham Jean’s brother makes headlines for “forgiving” Amber Guyger, Real News hosts Jacqueline Luqman and Lisa Snowden-McCray discuss what Christian forgiveness in the face of oppression means.

Ch. 9: Why accountability matters for faith-based forgiveness - Interfaith Voices - Air Date 7-13-18

Serene Jones says deep forgiveness is actually part of a larger process of seeking justice and accountability.

Ch. 10: The art and science of apologies and forgiveness Commentary - Best of the Left - Air Date 3-23-19

Final comments on strength, power, fragility, apologies, forgiveness and the legacy of the Confederacy

Ch. 11: Help the Helpers: Grace - Finding Fred - Air Date 12-17-19

Grace is to focus on the humanity of others than to see them as monsters.

Ch. 12: Help the Helpers: The fear and hurt that gets in the way - Finding Fred - Air Date 12-17-19

The difficulty of focusing on helping the needy rather than punishing the dangerous

Ch. 13: Van Jones: Why Casting “Bigots” Out Doesn’t Move America Forward - Big Think - Air Date 12-6-17

There is a limit to empathy, you cannot tolerate the intolerant for too long—but having empathy for those who interpret change as scary, and understanding why they think that way, maybe the only inroad to untying this great mess.

Ch. 14: The birth of the Black Power Movement - King in the Wilderness (HBO) - Air Date 4-2-18

The story of King's reaction to the rise of the Black Power movement and the roles of anger, fear and sickness


Ch. 15: Final comments on the various sicknesses infecting our society

MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):

  • Opening Theme: Loving Acoustic Instrumental by John Douglas Orr 
  • Cases to Rest - Bodytonic
  • Open Flames - Aeronaut
  • Surly Bonds - Aeronaut
  • Inessential - Bayou Birds
  • The Spinnet - Castle Danger
  • Algea Trio - Algea Fields
  • Moon Bicycle Theme - American Moon Bicycle
  • Beast on the Soil - Desert Orchard
  • On Our Own Again - The Pine Barrens
  • Streamer - Arc and Crecent
  • Cat's Eye - Marble Run
  • The Summit - K2
  • Vengeful - Warmbody
  • Voicemail Music: Low Key Lost Feeling Electro by Alex Stinnent
  • Closing Music: Upbeat Laid Back Indie Rock by Alex Stinnent


Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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Direct download: 1333_Anger_Forgiveness_Grace_Air_Date_2-1-20_-_2-2-20_18.54.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EST