Sat, 10 April 2021
Air Date 4/10/2021 Today we take a look at the need for a modern assessment of the corporate monopolies who dominate our online and offline experiences, including seeing the negative consequences of monopolies through a racial justice lens. Be part of the show! Leave us a message at 202-999-3991 or email MEMBERSHIP, Gift Memberships and Donations! (Get AD FREE Shows & Bonus Content) REFER-O-MATIC! Sign up, share widely, get rewards. It's that easy! EPISODE SPONSORS: Unf*cking the Republic Podcast Want to advertise/sponsor the show? Details -> SHOW NOTES Cory Doctorow, award-winning author, technologist, and founder, joins Azeem Azhar to explore the power of big tech monopolies and how a future wave of antitrust lawsuits could unleash innovation across the sector. Ch. 2: Google and the use and abuse of economic modeling - Follow The Money - Air Date 2-16-21 In this week's episode we unpack what the code is, what it does, why it's necessary and what happens next with Director of the Australia Institute's Centre for Responsible Technology, Peter Lewis. Ch. 4: The Facebook News Blackout and the News Media Bargaining Code - Follow The Money - Air Date 2-23-21 In this week's episode we unpack what the code is, what it does, why it's necessary and what happens next with Director of the Australia Institute's Centre for Responsible Technology, Peter Lewis. Rebecca talks to Jeremie Greer--one of Liberation in a Generation's co-founders and co-exec directors--about centering grassroots leaders of color in the anti-monopoly movement, and reimagining the antitrust movement’s work through a racial justice lens. MEMBERS-ONLY BONUS CLIP(S) Ch. 8: Google and the use and abuse of economic modeling Part 2 - Follow The Money - Air Date 2-16-21 In Anti-Monopoly Activism: Reclaiming Power through Racial Justice, Jeremie Greer and Solana Rice (co-founders and co-executive directors of Liberation in a Generation) argue for organizers of color to be embedded—and centered—in the anti-monopoly fight. VOICEMAILS Ch. 11: Child tax credits don't cause population booms - Erin from Philadelphia Ch. 12: Biden and China - Jonathan from New York FINAL COMMENTS Ch. 13: Final comments on child welfare programs, birth rates and uncomfortably honest political talk MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions):
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at Check out the BotL iOS/Android App in the App Stores! Follow at Like at Contact me directly at
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