Best of the Left Podcast : (2008/01/31) Round 3: South Carolina (MP3)

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The Podcasts

Act 1: CNN - Obama Wins South Carolina
Act 2: Obama - Victory Speech
Act 3: Sam Seder - Obama Victory
Act 4: Democracy Now - Obama Victory
Act 5: The UpTake - The Politics of Interjecting Race
Act 6: ABC's This Week - Obama Responds to Clinton Comment
Act 7: Ted Kennedy - Endorses Barack Obama

Thunderstruck - AC/DC
For Those About To Rock - AC/DC
Hard As A Rock - AC/DC
Rock 'N' Roll Singer - AC/DC
It's A Long Way To The Top - AC/DC
C.O.D. - AC/DC

Produced By:
Billy Baptism

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Direct download: Round_3_South_Carolina.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 5:17am EDT