Air Date 5/15/2020
Today, Amanda and I discuss the new film Executive Produced by Michael Moore, Planet of the Humans. We try to hit as many topics as we can but do not claim this is an exhaustive list of problems with the film. In short, the film tries to make a few good points but they are completely drowned in a sea of misinformation potent enough to send climate deniers into a joyous tizzy.
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00:00:00 Ch. 1: Intro and Index
00:06:12 Ch. 2: Planet of the Humans DEBUNKED Part 1: Misrepresenting Solar Science - Now You Know - Air Date 5-8-20
00:11:44 Ch. 3: Planet of the Humans DEBUNKED Part 2: Ignoring New Renewable Solutions to Intermittency - Now You Know - Air Date 5-8-20
00:17:12 Michael Moore, filmmakers respond to criticism of new bombshell environmental film Part 1: No Defense of Their Bad Science - The Hill Rising - Air Date 4-28-20
00:20:10 Ch. 4: Michael Moore, filmmakers respond to criticism of new bombshell environmental film Part 2: All the Good Points the Film Failed to Make - The Hill Rising - Air Date 4-28-20
00:24:03 Ch. 5: Michael Moore, filmmakers respond to criticism of new bombshell environmental film Part 3: Population Control? - The Hill Rising - Air Date 4-28-20
00:28:39 Ch. 6: The Climate Conversation has Been Imploded
00:31:04 Ch. 7: The Reason Population Reduction is Not the Answer to Our Climate Emergency
00:33:01 Ch. 8: The Mechanics of Making a Bad Documentary - Manipulative Editing
00:34:44 Ch. 9: The Mechanics of Making a Bad Documentary - Poor Interview Sourcing
00:36:28 Ch. 10: Poor Interview Sourcing, Misleading Data: The GM Volt Launch
00:39:02 Ch. 11: The Mechanics of Making a Bad Documentary - No Follow-Up Interviews
00:46:12 Ch. 12: The Mechanics of Making a Bad Documentary - Bad Data by Ignoring Innovation
00:47:21 Ch. 13: The Mechanics of Making a Bad Documentary - Artificially Inflating Small Issues to Seem Large
00:48:52 Ch. 14: The Mechanics of Making a Bad Documentary - We’re Just Asking Questions
00:49:30 Ch. 15: The Mechanics of Making a Bad Documentary - Terrible Graphs and Visuals
00:52:55 Ch. 16: The Mechanics of Making a Bad Documentary - Silly Anecdotes
00:54:13 Ch. 17: The Mechanics of Making a Bad Documentary - Assuming Makes an Ass Out of You and Me
00:57:16 Ch. 18: Comparing Mountain-Top Wind Farms to Mountain-Top-Removal Coal Mining is Unconscionable
00:58:39 Ch. 19: The Mechanics of Making a Bad Documentary - Making Arguments in Nonsensical Ways
01:00:58 Ch. 20: White Men Fail to Discuss Reproductive Justice or Environmental Justice in Any Way
01:02:01 Ch. 21: EVs, Green Energy in Michael Moore's Confused New Documentary Planet Of The Humans - Transport Evolved - Air Date 4-29-20
01:04:47 Ch. 22: The Film Leaves Viewers With a Conclusion the Filmmakers Didn’t Intend
01:05:43 Ch. 23: The Film Doesn’t Speak to Anyone Advocating a New Way of Living
01:07:53 Ch. 24: Who is Benefitting and Who is Being Hurt By This Film?
01:12:00 Ch. 25: Planet of the Humans DEBUNKED Part 3: Emboldened Deniers - Now You Know - Air Date 5-8-20
01:14:53 Ch. 26: Right-Wing Media LOVES This Film: The Left 'has attacked' Michael Moore for his 'Planet Human' documentary - Sky News Australia - Air Date 4-27-20
01:17:03 Ch. 27: Debunking the Idea that Anyone Ever Called for the Film to be Banned
01:18:07 Ch. 28: The Damage to the Climate Movement: The Problem With “Planet Of The Humans” Part. 1 ft. Joshua Kahn Russell - Michael Brooks Show - Air Date 5-7-20
01:24:16 Ch. 29: Attempting to Make Good Points About the Neoliberalism at the Heart of the Climate Movement but Completely Botching it
01:28:28 Ch. 30: The Producers Defend the Use of Bad Science by Asserting that Science Doesn’t Matter
01:30:00 Ch. 31: Michael Moore in a live discussion with Extinction Rebellion co-founder Clare Farrell Part 1 - Extinction Rebellion - Air Date 5-5-20
01:32:03 Ch. 32: Science is Foundational to Their Arguments but Also Doesn’t Matter
01:34:14 Ch. 33: Michael Moore in a live discussion with Extinction Rebellion co-founder Clare Farrell Part 2 - Extinction Rebellion - Air Date 5-5-20
01:35:56 Ch. 34: Fostering Conspiratorial Thinking
01:37:50 Ch. 35: Scientists are Religious, Only we Know the Truth: Michael Moore in a live discussion with Extinction Rebellion co-founder Clare Farrell Part 3 - Extinction Rebellion - Air Date 5-5-20
01:40:43 Ch. 36: Naïve, Wishful Thinking is Not a Thesis
01:42:22 Ch. 37: How to Make an Argument that Centers the Need to Reduce Consumption
01:44:50 Ch. 38: Michael Moore Proves His Profound Ignorance: Michael Moore in a live discussion with Extinction Rebellion co-founder Clare Farrell Part 4 - Extinction Rebellion - Air Date 5-5-20
01:45:54 Ch. 39: Explaining Moore’s Deep Ignorance
01:50:32 Ch. 40: The Need to Trust in Experts, Not Buffoons
01:51:14 Ch. 41: Accidental Eugenics Leads Predictably to Deeply Racist Outcomes
01:54:42 Ch. 42: Why Focusing on Over-Population is Not the Solution to Our Climate Emergency
01:57:02 Ch. 43: Sunrise Movement Response to the Film
01:59:08 Ch. 44: Response to the Film by Michael Moore’s Former Fact-Checker
02:01:33 Ch. 45: Extinction Rebellion Response to the Film
02:02:57 Ch. 46: Why We Need to Debunk This Film
Articles for Further Reading (Or Just to Marvel at the Sheer Number of Them)
Planet of the humans: A reheated mess of lazy, old myths, Ketan Joshi
This is where hard work got us (another post about the bad film), Ketan Joshi
The great giving up (and the film that made it worse), Ketan Joshi
6 Reasons Why “Planet of the Humans” is a Disaster of Misinformation, Ben Wehrman
10 Reasons « Planet of the Humans » Gets Everything Wrong on Climate, Benjamin Tincq
Why “Planet of the Humans” is crap, Tom Athanasiou, EcoEquity
Film Review: Forget about PLANET OF THE HUMANS by Jeff Gibbs and Michael Moore by Neal Livingston
Michael Moore produced a film about climate change that’s a gift to Big Oil, Leah Stokes
Planet of the Humans Comes This Close to Actually Getting the Real Problem, Then Goes Full Ecofascism, Brian Kahn, Gizmondo
Inside Clean Energy: 6 Things Michael Moore’s ‘Planet of the Humans’ Gets Wrong, Dan Gearino, Inside Climate News
A Bomb in the Center of the Climate Movement’: Michael Moore Damages Our Most Important Goal, Bill McKibben, Rolling Stone
POTH Traffics in Myths, Errors, and Dangerous Misdirection, John Rogers, Union of Concerned Scientists
Planet of the Humans: Let’s just have a think…, Dave Borlace, Just Have a Think (note: a video response)
Michael Moore’s ‘Planet of the Humans’ Film Trashes Clean Energy, Offers Zero Solutions, Sally Ho, Green Queen
The Important Debate POTH Misses, Kate Aronoff, New Republic
Michael Moores New Film Turns Heroes into Villains and Villains into Heroes, Dr. Michael Mann, Newsweek
The absurdity of releasing Planet of the Humans in April 2020
#POTH: Michael Moore’s (@MMFlint’s) false choice & a lesson in how not to build a movement
How Did Michael Moore Become A Hero to Climate Deniers and the Far Right? (George Monbiot, The Guardian)
Extinction Rebellion Response (Twitter)
Sunrise Movement's Response (Twitter)
George Monbiot's Breakdown of the #PopulationGrowth in Response (Twitter thread)
Joanne Doroshow, Michael Moore's Former Fact Checker, Responds (Facebook)
MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson
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