Best of the Left Podcast : #TBT #922 A crisis of culture and capitalism (Throwback)

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The Podcasts

Original Air Date 5-15-2015

Today we take a hard look at modern-day civilization and culture and ponder what we could do to make things better

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Show Notes

Act 1: The Death of Culture at the Hands of the Profit Motive - @majorityfm - Air Date: 01-20-15

Act 2: Visionary Sci Fi for an Age of Acquiescence - The F Word with @GRITlaura Flanders - Air Date: 4-20-15

Act 3: .@ShawnAchor - The happy secret to better work - @TEDTalks - Air Date: 2-1-12

Act 4: A Brief History of Humankind - @DecodeDC - Air Date: 4-30-15

Act 5: Lacking liberty from slavery to feudalism to capitalism - Economic Update with @profwolff - Air Date: 2-1-15

Produced by Jay! Tomlinson

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