Best of the Left Podcast : (2010/02/27) Terrorism in the age of unreason (Foreign Policy) (MP3)

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The Podcasts

Edition #337

Terrorism in the age of unreason


Act 1: An inconvenient trial - Daily Show

Act 2: GOP lies on terrorism - Rachel Maddow

Act 3: KSM Trail Formidable Opponent - Colbert Report

Act 4: Fox News making up BS on captured terrorists - Young Turks

Act 5: Afghan thinks every American with fake beard is CIA - The Onion

Act 6: Rank terrorism hypocrisy - Rachel Maddow

Act 7: Wag of the finger on waterboarding - Colbert Report

Act 8: Cheney's memo falls flat - Countdown

Act 9: Right wing talking points debunked - Young Turks

Act 10: The Word - Faux n tell - Colbert Report


Bonus iPhone/iPod Touch App Content:

Senator - I believe in racial and ethnic profiling - Young Turks



Circus Music

Hannah - Freelance Whales

Grapevine Fires - Death Cab For Cutie

Stuck in the middle with you - Stealers Wheel

Your Mama Don't Dance - Loggins and Messina

The district sleeps tonight - The Postal Service

M79 - Vampire Weekend

Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours - The Smiths

Little lies - Fleetwood Mac


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Direct download: Terrorism_in_the_age_of_unreason.mp3
Category:MP3 -- posted at: 10:01am EST