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HarvestHolliday Podcast

Dec 27, 2022

Mike Gibbons returns to recap his perspective of he and Jason's 2022 TOC archery elk hunt, what lessons they both lesrned, challenges faced and what they took away that will help them succed nect year. 

Dec 20, 2022

Jason Recaps a recent hunt and how taking a chance on a hunch nearly pays off on a big mature whitetail and looks back at 2022 and offers his perspective and a plan to hit the ground running in 2023! 

Dec 13, 2022

Sitka Product Manager John Barklow returns and we deep dive into various topics from hunt season recaps, all day whitetail tactics, nutrition for all day hunts, the evolution of technical clothing and more! 

We also discuss how Johns upcoming Outdoor Class by GoHunt will bring unprecedented information to those on a...