Jan 11, 2022
Shawn Van Dyke is a construction business coach, keynote speaker, and author of two books - Profit First for Contractors and The Paperwork Punch List. Most contractors are not profitable which makes them feel uncertain about what they need to do to grow their construction businesses. Shawn believes construction business owners should be as good at business as they are at their craft. That's why, after twenty plus years of owning and operating multiple construction businesses, Shawn developed a system-by-system framework to help construction business owners grow in a purposeful, profitable way. He now works with construction business owners, executives, and managers all over the world and shows them how to stop losing profits and wasting time. He is the founder of the Built to Build Academy® which creates confident construction business owners through business training and coaching programs so you make more money, streamline your construction business, and get your life back.
IG: @shawnvandyke, @profitfirstcontractor, @builttobuildacademy
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw0CMYtRs2Y9mGpLTT8q18Q
twitter: @svandyke
FB: https://www.facebook.com/shawngvandyke
7:56 "You only have so many hours in the day." - Shawn Van Dyke
9:00 "Everybody is wearing 17 different hats." - Shawn Van Dyke
10:47 Society in general says "Oh, contractors are supposed to work for free." And a lot of them DO, and that's the problem. - Shawn Van Dyke
15:54 "We all spend money...when people sell us their value." - Shawn Van Dyke
20:37 "Yeah, I've done that, I don't need to do it again." - Shawn Van Dyke
22:48 "Selling value has much more to do about emotions." - Shawn Van Dyke
24:41 "Being in that upper tier gets you invited into other conversations." - Shawn Van Dyke